Today, Vice President Kamala Harris turns 60. And the best years of her professional life are likely still ahead of her. By presidential standards, of course,...
There are more than a dozen House contests — and a Senate race — still uncalled by the Associated Press, but Republicans are inching ever closer...
Several lawmakers are launching bids for the No. 4 position in House GOP leadership — seemingly the only wide open race after Donald Trump tapped Rep....
UP NEXT Michael Tomasky: Right-wing media fed audiences distorted information 11:18 Trump’s transition effort kicks into high gear 10:17 Morning Joe debates Maureen Dowd’s ‘Democrats and...
The rural-urban divide is one of the defining features of the American electorate: Democrats dominate in cities, while Republicans rule in rural areas. But as the...
This month at the FBI field office in New Orleans, officials turned over an 1865 Claude Monet drawing to Helen Lowe and Francoise Parlagi 86 long...
There is one question that dominates every political conversation and every group chat in Democratic enclaves across America, and it’s not “Will Kamala Harris win the...
UPDATE (Oct. 22, 2024 7:05 p.m. E.T.): According to and The Texas Freedom to Read Project, Montgomery County officials returned “Colonization and the Wampanoag Story” to...
UP NEXT ‘It can still be ok if we fight for it’: Poet Caroline Randall Williams reacts to 2024 election 09:34 Dems have ‘work cut out’...
When it comes to legal briefs, I can be a speed reader. But where evidence is concerned, I always prefer to take a more focused, methodical...